SW개발자에게 필요한 작업장기술들…..

미국 Center Of Education이라는 곳에서 SW개발자에게 필요한 기술에 대해 아래와 같이 정리를 하고 있습니다.이중에서 작업장에서 필요한 기술에 대해 유심히 보시면 결국 Project기술이라는 것과 동일한 능력을 요구하고 있습니다. 이부분에 대해 류한석의 피플웨어에서는 소프트스킬 이라는 단어로 정리하고 있습니다.

소프트스킬의 내용을 대략 정리를 하면 이렇습니다.

■ 권한위임; 팀 빌딩 및 동기부여

1. 권한위임
1.1 프로젝트 매니저의 자격 요건
1.2 인적자원의 배정
1.3 권한위임을 가로막은 장애물들

2. 팀 빌딩 및 동기부여
2.1 팀의 진화과정
2.2 팀에 나쁜 영향을 미치는 요소들

■ 이해관계자 관리

1. 프로젝트의 무서운 점
2. 이해관계자 관리의 중요성
3. 이해관계자의 식별
4. 프로젝트 챔피언과 훼방꾼

■ 리스크 및 문제점 관리 및 프레젠테이션 기술

1. 리스크 및 문제점 관리
1.1 리스크 관리의 절차
1.2 풋내기 문제해결사
1.3 문제 해결의 정치학
1.4 스마트한 문제 해결사

2. 프레젠테이션 기술
2.1 프레젠테이션이 중요한 이유
2.2 프레젠테이션의 자세
2.3 프레젠테이션 기술의 향상 방법
정리: 프로젝트를 성공시키기 위한 지침

SW개발이라는 일이 세상에서 나혼자 다른 사람과의 관계없이 이루질 수 없는 일이 아니라는 뜻이겠죠. 팀작업을 하여야 하고 고객관계나 소비자관계를 해야 하고 재정적인 지원을 하는 쪽과의 관계를 유지하여야 하고.그러나 우리의 경우=제 경우 교육의 형태가 아니라 개개인의 성격 혹은 가치관 혹은 경험에 따라 스스로가 취득하여야 하는 것으로 판단합니다. 그래서 처세술이 어쩌니 하고. “삼국지”나 “대망” 혹은 중국의 역사서들 – 사기와 같은 – 을 통해 간접적으로 습득하라고 인생선배들은 이야기합니다. 삼국지의 조조나 유비가 어떻게 오다 노부나가,도쿠가와 이에야스,도요토미 히데요시를 이야기합니다.

그런데 눈에 띄는 것은 “글쓰기”와 “스트레스관리”라는 항목이 들어가 있는것이 특이합니다. 결국 사회생활에서 필요한 기본적인 소양교육이 이루어져 야 한다는 뜻입니다. 또하나 이런 부분까지를 표준화하여 교육을 하고 있다는 것이 중요한 점이네요. 우리는 이런 능력을 사회생활을 하면서 “짠밥”=경험으로 배우거나 개인적인 책읽기로 배우는 경우가 많은데 학습과정으로 하나일 수 있다는 것이 좋아 보입니다. 저의 경우도 영업을 하거나 프로젝트를 한다고 하면서 경험치로 가지고 있는 부분만 있지 이런 기술을 체결적으로 배운 적이 없으니까 이런 과정이 온라인으로 제공되면 좋겠네요.

Specific Skills for this career

* Active Server Pages (ASP)
* Algorithm Design/Development
* C Programming
* C# Programming
* C++ Programming
* Data Modeling
* Graphic User Interface (GUI) Design
* Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
* Java Programming
* JavaScript Programming
* MS Foundation Class (MFC)
* MS Visual C++
* Microsoft .NET Framework
* Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
* Operating System Programming
* Programming Fundamentals
* Project Planning & Scheduling
* SQL Programming
* Server Side Scripting
* Software Testing & QA
* Structured Programming
* Technical Math
* Technical Writing/Documentation
* Unified Modeling Language (UML)
* VB.NET Programming
* VBScript Programming
* Visual Basic
* Windows Application Programming

Key workplace skills for this career

* Decision Making Skills
* English Writing Fundamentals
* Interpersonal Communication
* Organizational & Planning Skills
* Problem Solving & Critical Thinking
* Stress Management Skills
* Time & Priority Management
* Workplace Math

Decision Making Skills

The ability to make decisions efficiently and effectively through identifying all possible options, weighing the pros and cons, giving careful consideration to any and all possible outcomes/consequences, assessing feasibility and choosing the most viable option. This includes the ability to use logical and analytical thinking in order to examine data, compare and contrast details and options, and synthesize information and ideas.Courses in Decision Making Skills

* Analytical Skills Certificate Program
* Effective Leadership Decision Making
* Ethical Decision Making
* How to Make More Creative and Ethical Decisions
* Introduction to Business Analysis
* Nursing & the Decision-Making Process
* Problem-solving and Decision-making for Business
* Responsible Decision-Making & The Management of Resources
* Decision Making
* Foundations of Effective Thinking
* Rational Problem Solving and Decision-making Simulation
* Critical Thinking Skills for Managing
* Decisions and Risk
* Developing Fundamental Critical Thinking Skills
* Dynamic Decision Making
* Implementing and Evaluating a Decision
* Judgment and Decision Making
* Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups
* Analytical Skills
* The Decision-Making Process

English Writing Fundamentals

The ability to communicate clearly, effectively and appropriately in writing for the intended purpose and audience. This includes the ability to apply the proper use of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations, spelling, tone, sentence construction and the general rules of English composition.Courses in English Writing Fundamentals.

* Business Communication: Writing That Works
* Business English Online Certificate Program
* Communication 1
* Communication Skills to Fast-track Your Career
* Crisp Composition
* Getting the Most from Business Documents
* Grammar after Grammar School
* Grammar Refresher
* The Writing Process
* Using Effective Business Communication
* Writing Profitably: A Workshop on Business Writing
* Professional Writing for Internationals (non-native English)
* Understanding Writing Mechanics
* Writing to Reach the Audience
* Advanced Oral and Written Business Communication
* Business and Professional Writing
* Avoiding Errors in Usage and Punctuation
* Business Communication Series
* Business Grammar Essentials
* Composition 1
* English Composition
* Grammar Series
* Topics in the Practice and Theory of Composition: The Politics of Organizational Writing
* Written Communication
* Sentence Construction
* UIC Writers Series
* Getting Results through Communication

Interpersonal Communication
The ability to listen, respond, interact, and communicate successfully and appropriately. This includes accurately interpreting verbal and nonverbal messages, giving feedback in a constructive manner, understanding and resolving conflicts, clearly presenting ideas, communicating effectively as a team member, and demonstrating cultural and social sensitivity.
Courses in Interpersonal Communication

* A Diverse Perspective of Communication in the Workplace
* Achieving Success with Difficult People
* Anger Management in the Workplace
* Assertive Communication
* Behavior: Putting Your Best Foot Forward
* Building Better Work Relationships
* Building Effective Intergender Relationships
* Building Relationships Series
* Business Communication Certificate Program: Module 3 Successful Interpersonal Communication
* Business Communication Certificate Program: Module 4 Successful Communication in the New Workplace
* Business Etiquette: Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk
* Communicate for Contacts
* Communicating during Organizational Change
* Communicating Effectively with Difficult Coworkers Simulation
* Communication Skills and Positive Attitude
* Communication Skills to Fast-track Your Career
* Dealing with Difficult People Series
* Developing a Positive Attitude
* Developing Effective Interpersonal Skills
* Effective Presentations Series
* Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
* Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Simulation
* Enhancing Your Listening Skills
* Fundamentals of Supervision and Management II
* Get Assertive!
* Giving Feedback to Colleagues
* High Powered Communication
* Improving Your Cross-cultural Communications
* Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence
* Interpersonal Communication
* Interpersonal Communication
* Interpersonal Communication Skills for Business
* Interpersonal Communication Skills for Business Simulation
* Interpersonal Communications
* Interpersonal Skills on the Fast Track
* Keys to Effective Communication
* Listening for Comprehension
* Listening for Higher Purposes
* Making Telephone Calls Count
* Managing and Working with Difficult People
* Managing and Working with Difficult People Simulation
* Managing Anger in the Workplace Simulation
* Motivation Series
* Open Your I’s: Improving Interpersonal Interactions
* Overview to Effective Business Communication
* Sharpening Listening Skills
* Team Feedback: A Guide
* Teams That Work Series
* The Art of Global Communication
* The Basics of Listening
* The Impact of Culture on Communication
* The Value of Workplace Diversity
* Using Effective Business Communication
* Advanced Speaking and Listening Skills for Leaders
* Assertive Communication Simulation
* Business and Professional Communication
* Communicate for Results
* Communication Skills for Leaders
* Communication Skills for the Workplace
* Difficult People in the Workplace
* Effective Listening Skills
* Effective Listening Skills Simulation
* Interpersonal Communication Skills for Teams Simulation
* Proactive Approaches to Stop Negativity
* Professional Assertiveness
* Small Group Communication
* The Mechanics of Effective Communication
* The Path from Pessimism to Optimism
* The Process of Interpersonal Communication
* Working with Aggressive People
* Working with Arrogant and Duplicitous People
* Working with Negative People and Procrastinators
* Giving Feedback: A Manager’s Guide
* Advancing Your Service Expertise
* Attitude
* Building Better Work Relationships Simulation
* Communicating with Power and Confidence
* Communication
* Communication Etiquette
* Communication Skills
* Coping with Criticism and Feedback
* Dynamic Communicating: Presenting Your Best Self
* Etiquette and the Business Meeting
* Everyday Business Etiquette
* Frontline Call Center Skills Simulation
* Human Communication
* Improving Your Image
* Interpersonal Communication Skills
* Leading Change from the Front Line
* Organizational Behaviour and Interpersonal Skills
* Power
* Professional Communication Skills Program
* Sales Communication Techniques Simulation
* Sales Communications Foundations
* Trust
* Business Etiquette and Professionalism Simulation
* Connect and Communicate
* Effective Use of Feedback for Business
* Effective Use of Feedback for Teams Simulation
* Effectively Communicating in Teams
* Emotional Intelligence at Work
* Essential Customer Service Communication Skills
* Facilitative Fundamentals: Techniques and Tools
* Financial Service Representatives in Action
* Getting Along Well with Families
* Lead and Communicate Effectively as a New Manager
* Relationship Management in the Case Manager Role
* Teamwork and Emotional Intelligence
* The Dynamics of Interaction
* What Is Emotional Intelligence
* Building Effective Interfunctional Relationships
* Building Relationships to Get Results
* Call Center Communication Skills
* Getting Results from the Boss
* Getting Results through Communication
* Professional and Career Development
* Professional Skills for Customer Service Agents
* Interpersonal Communication

Organizational & Planning Skills
The ability to plan and organize tasks, information, and one’s work environment to promote efficiency and enhance productivity. This can include identifying and organizing resources in a systematic way, gathering, analyzing and maintaining important information, and devising effective plans for upcoming projects and needs.
Courses in Organizational & Planning Skills

* Individual Excellence

Problem Solving & Critical Thinking
The ability to clarify the nature of a problem or situation by breaking it down into its constituent components, analyzing the information, evaluating alternatives, proposing viable solutions and determining the outcome of the various options.
Courses in Problem Solving & Critical Thinking

* Achieving Organizational Excellence Through Critical Thinking
* Analytical Skills Certificate Program
* Critical Thinking
* Critical Thinking
* Different Intelligences for Business Breakthroughs
* Motivation Series
* Problem-solving and Decision-making for Business
* Creative Problem Solving and Effective Thinking Simulation
* Critical Thinking
* Foundations of Effective Thinking
* Framing the Problem
* Generating Alternatives in Problem Solving
* Organizational Scope of Critical Thinking
* Rational Problem Solving and Decision-making Simulation
* Taking Systems Thinking into Your Personal Life
* Critical Thinking Skills for Managing
* Critical Thinking Strategies Simulation
* Developing Fundamental Critical Thinking Skills
* Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups
* Strategies for Facilitating Critical Thinking
* The Role of Critical Thinking in Organizations
* Advancing Your Administrative Career
* Analytical Skills
* Applied Organizational Problem-Solving and Report Writing
* Critical and Creative Thinking
* Critical Thinking Skills
* Facilitation Process & Practice
* Introductory Logic
* Overcoming Challenging Service Situations
* Overcoming Internal Customer Service Problems
* Applying Critical Thinking & Clinical Reasoning
* Creative Problem-Solving at Work
* Solution Thinking for Breakthrough Decisions

Stress Management Skills
The ability to recognize personal and systemic reactions to stress and to utilize well-developed strategies to relieve work-related stress.
Courses in Stress Management Skills

* Developing a Positive Attitude
* Effective Time and Stress Management
* Experiencing Anger
* Finding Your Life Balance
* Managing Anger in the Workplace Simulation
* Managing Your Anger
* Personal Accountability: Working for your Inner Boss
* Strategies for Better Balance
* Stress and Coping
* Stress Management
* Stress Management Series
* Success over Stress
* Using Humor to Cope at Work and in Life
* Building Your Support System
* Burnout – The Road to Recovery
* Technical Support Agent Survival Skills

Time & Priority Management
The ability to effectively prioritize and complete tasks in a timely manner. This can include setting realistic and manageable goals, identifying and tracking priorities, maintaining schedules and deadlines, eliminating or reducing procrastination and time-wasting activities, and utilizing time management tools, techniques and strategies.
Courses in Time & Priority Management

* Analyze Your Use of Time
* Developing Good Time Management Habits
* Effective Time and Stress Management
* Goals and Goal Setting
* Individual Excellence
* Managing Time Effectively
* Managing Workload
* Overcoming Overload – Managing Memory and Time
* Planning and Organizing: Optimizing Time and Abilities
* Techniques for Better Time Management
* Time Management Fundamentals Series
* Working More Effectively – Taking Control of Your Time
* Working More Effectively Simulation
* You and Your Time
* Building Your Support System
* Taking Control of Your Workday Simulation
* Basic Business Skills to Get You on the Fast Track
* Create Your Time and Memory Management Program
* Eliminate the Time Wasters
* Evaluating and Improving Time Management
* Managing Time with Co-Workers
* Managing Yourself and Those Around You
* Organize to Remember
* Organizing Tasks and Creating Uninterrupted Time
* Technical Support Agent Survival Skills
* Time as a Resource
* Time Management
* Time is Money: Spend It Well
* Time Management: Prioritization and Delegation

Workplace Math
The ability to accurately apply basic math concepts in a work setting, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and problem solving.

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