일요일 새벽 미사을 앞두고 열심히 밀어내고 있습니다. 굳이 쓸 필요가 없지만 나를 위한 기록입니다.

사물인터넷(Internet Of Thing)이 미래 먹걸리라고 합니다. 그런데 이와 비슷하지만 좀 다른 개념을 이야기하는 글을 보았습니다.

The Industrial Internet of Things – The opportunity no one’s talking about

사물인터넷에 산업(Industry)라는 수식어를 붙인 Industry Internet of thing, 약자로 IIOT라고 합니다. 무슨 의미인지를 찾아보았습니다.

Moor insights strategy가 내놓은 ‘Behaviorally Segmenting the Internet of Things (IoT)‘을 보면 Impact와 Control을 기준으로 IIOT=Autonomous “Industrial” system와 H(Human)IOT=reactive “Human” system, 흔히 사물인터넷이라고 하는 것으로 구분합니다.

“Impact” describes the impact of technology on human well-being. It loosely follows Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The opposite ends of Impact are “Health and Safety,” systems that enable a baseline for a safe, comfortable life, and “Experience,” systems that address emotional and aspirational needs related to personal status and achievements.

“Control” describes a range of control interactions that people exert on technology, from self-directed to interactive systems. The opposite ends of Control are “Self-Directed,” systems purpose designed to set in motion and operate with as little human interaction as possible, and “Interactive” systems designed for constant and personal human interactivity and responsiveness.


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IIOT에 관심있는 기업들이 콘소시엄을 구성하였습니다.

Industrial Internet Consortium

콘소시엄에 올라노 자료중 하나입니다.

가트너의 Earl Perkins은 다음과 같이 IIOT의 의미를 부여합니다. GE외에는 IT기업으로 콘소시엄을 구성하였지만 성장가능성이 높은 부문이라고 합니다.

OT has existed in enterprises and in the market far longer than the IoT. I sometimes say that OT was using IoT architecture and technology before it was cool to talk about the IoT. The industrial control and automation world built fit-for-purpose systems with technology that used RFID tags, M2M communications, embedded systems, sensors, wireless communications and other IoT components literally for decades. The IIoT can be considered as the next generation of OT architecture and technology that will update and extend OT functionality, utilizing IoT use cases and technology improvements. The Industrial Internet is OT Version 2. The IIoT is that industrial subset of the IoT. In addition to the IIOT, the IoT has grown to span all industry sectors, serving consumers and commercial industries such as financial services and insurance as well.
The “Industrial” Internet of Things and the Industrial Internet Consortium중에서

IIOT를 보면서 Internet Of Finance가 떠올랐습니다.

decentralized ledger의 가능성, Bitcoin

IIOT가 IOT와 가은 것이라고 하더라도 이름짓기는 의미가 있습니다. 앞서 Perkins가 쓴 바것처럼.

(1) capture buyer attention and (2) once captive explain what it means and how the IIoT affects the buyer’s business

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