2014 Red Hat Summit: Performance analysis & tuning

Redhat Performance Analysis and Tuning은 Supermicro Server 튜닝과 Turbostat에서 소개하였던 자료입니다. 다만 2013 Red Hat Summit에서 발표하였던 것입니다. 얼마전 2014 Redhat Summit이 있었습니다. 이 행사 때 같은 주제로 발표가 있었습니다. 총 2시간이었습니다.

Performance analysis & tuning of Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Part I
Performance analysis & tuning of Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Part II

Part I 발표자는 Larry Woodman입니다.

Describes several existing and new hardware features that can affect performance and how the Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel takes advantage of them.
Describes and illustrates the latest performance analysis tools and techniques to identify performance bottlenecks impacting system and application performance.

Part II 발표자는 Doug Shakshober입니다.

-Describes and contrasts system tuning parameters to show how they can be used along with tools and techniques to resolve identified bottlenecks affecting system and application performance.
-Shows what techniques are used to identify and resolve performance issues in a number of combinations of systems and applications, such as database servers, Internet servers, and various financial applications.

2014 Red Hat Summit에서 Red Hat Enterprise 7 RC 버전을 공개했습니다. RHEL 7의 특징중 관심이 가는 부분입니다.

Accurate Time Synchrinization
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 beta supports the network time protocol (NTP) implementation Chrony,which provides more accurate clock synchronization than the network time protocol daemon (ntpd).Benefits of Chrony include:

•Faster synchronization. Chrony usually needs only minutes instead of hours to minimize the time and fequency error, which is useful on desktops or systems not running 24 hours a day.
•A larger range for frequency correction (100000 ppm vs. 500 ppm) is useful for virtual machines that have quickly drifting clocks.
•Better response to rapid changes in the clock frequency, useful for virtual machines that have unstable clocks or for power-saving technologies that don’t keep the clock frequency constant.
•After the initial synchronization, the clock is never stepped, which is useful for applications needing system time to be monotonic.
•Better stability with temporary asymmetric delays, for example when the link is saturated by a large download.
•Periodic polling of servers is not required, so systems with intermittent network connections can still quickly synchronize clocks.

Precision Time Protocol
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 beta supports IEEE 1588 PTPv2 (Precision Time Protocol version 2) in combination with a supported network card. PTP is used to precisely synchronize clocks in an Ethernet network. When used in conjunction with the appropriate hardware, it is capable of

40g Ethernet Link Speed
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 beta supports 40G Ethernet link speeds, which enables faster network communication for systems and applications.

Low-Latency Sockets
Low-latency sockets are a software implementation that reduces networking latency and jitter within the kernel. This implementation makes it easy for applications to poll for new packets directly in the network driver which speeds up packets moving into the network stack. Applications that are sensitive to unpredictable latency benefit from the top-down, busy-wait polling method that replaces interrupts for incoming packets.

지난 몇 년 Low Latency와 관련한 네트워킹 이슈들을 다 담았습니다. 이중에서 마지막 LLS는 Intel의 작품입니다. Intel이 네트워크와 관련한 작업을 많이 했더군요. 한번 정리해보려고 합니다.

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