밀레니얼세대를 위한 금융서비스가 가능?

솔직히 로보어드바이저를 고민한 적이 있습니다. 알고리즘트레이딩과 다른 듯 하지만 같았습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 사업화를 접었습니다. 이유는 제도적 장벽과 사업성때문입니다. 아래는 사업성과 관련한 주제를 다루었던 글들입니다.

수저 계급론과 로봇투자자문
로보 어드바이저를 보는 시각 – 은행과 금융투자

국내외 로보어드바이저를 다루었던 글을 보면 밀레니얼세대가 빠짐없이 등장합니다. 크게 보면 디지탈전환(Transformation)이나 핀테크 혹은 로보어드바이저도 밀레니얼세대를 딛고 서 있는 흐름이라고 이해할 수 있습니다. 자료를 조사하다 보니 미국 백악관의 자문그룹이 발표한 보고서 15 Economic Facts About Millennials 가 있더군요. 이중 두번째 특징은 디지탈기술과관련한 사항입니다.

Fact 2: Millennials have been shaped by technology.

The past few decades have witnessed astounding advances in technology and computing. Since personal computers were introduced to schools in the late 1970s, technology companies have innovated at startling speed, often rolling out a groundbreaking new platform or computer model every year. Because much of this period of innovation coincided with Millennials’ childhoods, it has shaped the ways that Millennials interact with technology and seems to have affected their expectations for creativity and innovation in their own work lives.

Millennials are more connected to technology than previous generations and a quarter of Millennials believe that their relationship to technology is what makes their generation unique.4 While all generations have experienced technological advances, the sheer amount of computational power and access to information that Millennials have had at their fingertips since grade-school is unparalleled. Computational processing power has roughly doubled every 2 years, and storage prices continue to drop.5 In 1980, IBM’s first gigabyte hard drive weighed 550 pounds and cost $40,000.6 Today, consumers have access to 3 terabyte hard drives — 3000 times the size — that weigh under 3 pounds and cost around $100. Under these trends, Millennials have come of age in a world in which the frontiers of technology have appeared unlimited.

At the same time, the costs of creating and distributing all kinds of digital content – from books to music to software – have fallen dramatically.8 This creates opportunities for this generation to be pioneers in production, as well as consumption, of technology. One study found that more than half of the Millennials surveyed expressed interest in starting a business. And although several Millennials became well-known entrepreneurs in their 20s, this generation is just beginning to reach the peak age for entrepreneurship, which generally occurs in one’s 40s or early 50s.

In addition to creating opportunities for entrepreneurship, advances in computer processing power, along with widespread access to cell phones and the Internet, have changed how Millennials communicate and interact with one another. Millennials use social media more frequently and are even more likely to sleep near their cell phone.10 Three-quarters of Millennials have an account on a social networking site, compared with only half of Generation Xers and less than a third of the Baby Boomers.11 The impacts of these practices have extended beyond Millennials’ peers to their families. For instance, the Wall Street Journal reported that this is the first generation to also have tech savvy parents, and that some Millennials use texting or online chat to have running conversations with their parents throughout their day.

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인구중 핵심세대로 등장한 밀레니얼세대의 특징이 산업의 변화를 초래하였다고 이해할 수 있습니다. Corporate Insight가 2014년에 이어 내놓은 Millennials Revisited: Financial Services and the Digital Generation중 금융산업별 대응전략을 보면 이런 흐름을 확인할 수 있습니다.

Some industry trends and tactics reviewed in Millennials Revisited include:

Banking: Banks continue to invest heavily in their mobile experience, recognizing that this is the key channel for engaging Millennials.

Credit Card Issuers: Card issuers are integrating credit scores, spending analysis and other capabilities into their digital offerings to target younger consumers.

Insurers: Property and casualty insurers are experimenting with new product design and pricing strategies to accommodate Millennials’ preferences and budgets. Life insurers are offering simplified, digital applications to make it easier for Millennials to purchase policies.

Investing/Wealth Management: Leading brokerage firms like Charles Schwab, E*TRADE and Fidelity have rolled out low-cost digital advice offerings to connect with Millennials and defend against fintech startups targeting them.

Retirement: DC plan providers have made significant improvements to their mobile offerings but may be missing the mark by focusing on mobile-optimized and responsive designed sites rather than native apps.

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밀레니얼세대는 금융산업에 어떤 영향을 줄까요? 먼저 BBVA Innovation Center가 발행한 Millennial Generation은 은행과 밀레니얼세대의 관계를 다룹니다.

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The Next Wave of Financial Planning는 자산관리서비스의 미래를 다룬 보고서입니다.

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이상의 글들이 관심을 갖는 점은 디지탈기술과 문화입니다. 미국의 밀레니얼세대를 “1980년대 초반부터 2000년대 초반까지 출생한 세대를 말한다.디지털 환경에 능숙하고 지역사회와 정치에 관심이 많으며, 전 세대보다 훨씬 개방적인 사고를 가진 세대’라고 정의하면 한국의 밀레니얼세대는 어떨까요? 청년들의 좌절…韓 3포, 美 밀레니얼, 日 사토리 세대을 보면 문화적 특징을 공유하지만 경제적인 어려움도 함께 하는 듯 합니다. 디지탈과 다른 면을 이야기합니다. 2009년 글로벌 경제위기를 경험하고 저성장의 시대를 살아가는 밀레니얼세대에게 투자니 자산관리와 같은 단어들은 사치에 불과하다는 보고서도 있습니다.

“투자 않는 밀레니얼 세대…월가 위기온다”

기사중 브루킹스연구소의 보고서는 아래입니다.

How Millennials Could Upend Wall Street and Corporate America

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이상과 같은 맥락으로 핀테크와 같은 금융산업의 변화를 바라보면 핵심은 ‘저비용’입니다. 대부분 Digital UX를 강조하지만 결국 비용을 줄이기 위한 수단으로서의 디지탈로 이해할 수 있습니다. 국내 로보어드바이저를 주장하는 분들이 고품질이기 때문에 비용은 중요하지 않다는 의견을 내놓지만 현실에서 증명할 수 있을지 의문입니다. 딜로이트가 2016년 나라별 밀레니얼세대를 조사한 The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016에 따르면 한국의 밀레니얼세대(3포세대)는 한국경제를 비관적으로 부정적으로 바라봅니다.


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한국은 저성장외에 인구절벽도 다가오고 있습니다. 만약 누군가 저에게 ‘로보어드바이저 사업화’를 물어본다면 여전히 ‘아니다’라고 답할 생각입니다.

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